Thursday, April 4, 2013

The art of accountability a.k.a I'm starting a new diet!

Where's the heck have I been for the last I don't know two years! I know it seems like its been forever but I'm still in the same place as far as weight goes. However I am doing new things! For example  this blog post is being written entirely on my phone. In fact I am speaking it! who knew that blogging could be so much fun. Anyway I'm also on a new diet its called medifast. I've tried other diets before (Weight Watchers, isogenics, eating healthy exercising and The Biggest Loser diet .)  although they each brought me one step closer to my goal weight, I always fell off and gained a lot more.

This time I can feel like it's going to be different. I never really knew about Medifast until my mom told me about it. (My mom felt like she needed to lose weight as well. She found this program through her work and started 7 weeks ago. in that 7 weeks she lost 17 pounds!)
Now because of my mom and her awesome generosity she is allowing me to do it with her.
So here I am on week one, kinda. I say kinda  because I'm actually on a detox week. this means This week I am eliminating all dairy and meat. On the first few days I am only eating fruit grains and veggies in the middle of the week {Which is what  I am on now }I am drinking detox drink that has maple syrup and lemon juice in it. The first few days were fine I had more energy than ever! I never felt hungry. And I was excited for the next day. Now that I'm on the detox days let's be honest, I want food. I want what my family is eating and I want it bad! The drink isn't so bad but I do want food. I have made friends with the bathroom though since I am in there every other minute. The only good thing that I am feeling is relieved for tomorrow I get to eat food! I can't have any grain tomorrow but I am going to love me some fruits and veggies! I can have grains again on Saturday so it's not so bad...
I’m super excited to see how much weight I've lost! I don't know if it’s the lack of food but I definitely feel skinny.
Next week I start the medifast 5 in 1 diet. This is where I eat five medifast meals and 1 lean and green meal that I make myself. Guess what the best part of next week is? I get to eat meat! I am seriously jumping for joy! They have guidelines on how much I should eat but I'll go over that next week.
Have you ever done a diet like this before? Did it work? I'm going to show you my before picture. Hopefully next week you can tell a difference. I actually started on Monday. So look for new photo then too. I also get to try some shakes tomorrow and I'll let you know how that goes.
Hopefully this blog will keep me accountable. I do not want to turn 30 in this body and if I keep going the way I was I will. So wish me luck and check back. Feel free to keep me accountable and if you I need someone to keep you accountable I can do that for you!
Have a great day!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

What to do when you are not snacking?

Today I was thinking about my relationship with food. If food were a person my friends would have an intervention for me by now. I am so abusive to it, and in turn I feel guilty for partaking. When I think about it my tummy tickles just like it would on a roller coaster. I then feel the itch to eat.
It is because of this itch I have decided to do a hobby when I get it. The hobby is crocheting and in the last two weeks I have crochet a lot! I thought today would be a good day to share what I have made. I haven’t a clue what I am going to do with all the things I have made. Probably save it for a baby shower. I don’t know what would you do?

This is an ear flap hat 2t it is super cute on!

This is a flower beanie that is 5t

This is a newborn hat but it think it looks super small and don't know if it could fit a newborn

This cute little 5t beanie with a scalloped edge I love it on lil monkey!

Here are some baby booties I made!

This was so much fun to do and has help me loss weight gotta love that! What do you do when you get cravings?

Friday, July 15, 2011

TO eat breakfast or not to eat breakfast?

This should not even be a question, unfortunately this is a question that has plague me most of my adult life. This is what I know about breakfast. When doctors and other experts tell you that it is the most important part of your day they were not kidding. It jump starts your metabolism, and feeds you energy throughout the day. Now if you are like me you are probably thinking but I hey I am saving calories! You are this true, but not in a good way. Here is why you body has two different types of moods feast or famine. When you think of feast it is when there is plenty to eat, your body has enough to be nourished, and properly feed. When you think of famine this means your body thinks there is not going to be enough nourishment to fulfill its needs. When this happens your body does two things, first it takes the nourishment it needs from your body, this sounds food right? Well, let me tell you were it starts. Your muscles, so you become weaker not so good. Then it takes your calories that you eat and stores them as fat tissues. Does this make since? I think we cover this topic in every nutrition class I take, {probably because a lot of people skip meals}. Sad but true.
Here is the problem I know a lot about what happens when we skip meals, and yet I find myself doing it. To overcome this I have develop a goal system. It really is simple. I take one day at time and set a week goal. I tell myself if I eat breakfast everyday this week then I will: feel better, lose more weight, and most importantly set a good example for little monkey. I am also going to give you the best diet secret that I have in my bag. This is let others know your goals, and set up a support system. We all have fallbacks but it is nice to have someone to fall back on, to tell you it will be ok.

Quick story so I told my little monkey that mommy has to eat breakfast everyday. This is all I said and since then when I am making her breakfast in the morning she will point blank ask me if I am going to eat breakfast. If I say yes she smiles, if I say I will later. She goes into the speech I gave her about how important breakfast is and I have no choice but to eat too. What a funny girl I have! I am just glad that she is listening to me!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What I ate Wednesday!

I have been wanting to participate in this for along time and yesterday I finally got the guts to take pictures of what I ate. The problem? My camera battery was dead my cell phone was off on an adventure with Guapo, which left me with my computer so I did take 2 pictures with it but I am going to have to use my words and then also use photo’s and make a collage on the internet. All in all I am super excited to participate !

So here goes nothing!

For Breakfast I ate: One large Egg, One cup of sautéed mushrooms {sautéed in a little of olive oil and ½ tea spoon of soy sauce for flavor} followed by a salad cranberry and orange salad { Sounds fancy but alas it is just orange slices with dehydrated cranberry’s on top} I love this breakfast, I have it a couple of times a week it is how ever missing my favorite thing which is spinach but I kinda ate all the spinach in my house on Monday for dinner so this is what I had.

For a snack after my work out I had my favorite yogurt Oikos with fresh picked diced peaches, sprinkled with flax seed. I love this snack it taste like what I think peaches and cream should taste like, then the flax seed actually gives it some texture. Then as an added bonus it feels you up. Seriously I could eat this for every meal.

{here is where I forgot to take picture}
For lunch I took the remaining cup of mushrooms from earlier in the day and had a lettuce wrap. I used an avocado for a creamy texture inside my wrap, then I used a red onion and some sprouts for the filling. Then on the side I had some mixed pears {by mixed I mean red and green}

For a snack I had some baby carrots and snap peas. {I wanted to make some hummus but I forgot to buy chickpeas at the store. I am a hoping that I will have time later today to go do that.}

For dinner we went over to my parents house were we had a yummy from scratch goulash. With whole wheat pasta, a homemade tomato sauce, sautéed onions and ground venison {that my husband so nicely provided us with last year} Then I splurge and had some my dad’s homemade garlic bread. This is my favorite dish it is like a glorified spaghetti and instantly brings me back to my childhood in Idaho. The flavors are so rich and comforting.

This was my day in food it was yummy and very satisfying! I feel bad that I forgot to take pictures of all my food but I am happy that I got the nerve to do something I have wanted to for a long time. I hope you enjoyed!

* All the images were found using google image search expect for the crappy ones that were taken by my computer.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Today, I feel like I accomplished something I cleaned behind the fridge, I even feel as though I got a second workout of the day! Let me set up the scene I live in an apartment so as you can guess my kitchen is small. So in order to get behind the fridge I had to jump the counter and so after I jumped the counter I was trapped. So after 15 min of hard core scrubbing the doorbell rings, oh crap my package! { I have been waiting for a package all day and I didn’t want to have to wait until tomorrow to get it from my apartment office} So I yell “I will be right there!” then for the next what seemed liked forever I tried to re jump over the counter with my soapy feet. It had to look like a comedy scene because every time I would jump up my feet would slide down. Oy! When I finally get up onto the counter my shirt snags on the corner of the cabinet. Once again I am stuck, what a heck of a five minutes, by the time I got to the door I looked like a disheveled cave women. {I know the ups man looked surprised!} In the end my floor under the fridge is clean and I got a mini workout! SO much fun! What a great day!

Monday, July 11, 2011

It was all going good until…..

My sweet SIL came home from Italy with Italian chocolate. How could I refuse the creaminess of this kind of chocolate. I did indulge; I didn’t go overboard but I am kinda in a weird state about it. Why? Because now I crave it, it true! That and rice crispy treats. I don’t what shall I do to get rid of this funk I am in?
Yesterday I also worked out on the treadmill, this kinda bummed me out because I am back to square one. I was on the treadmill’s program 5 and now I am back to 1. Hmm, not much progress. I also have been informed that my BIL marriage has been moved up a month. Ugh, why am I not finding this very motivating?

Saturday, July 9, 2011

To work out or not to work out?

This should not even be a question, yet for me not only has been a daily question but one I have answered wrong for the last three weeks. There I confess, I feel so much better! Today however, was much better! I went swimming with my cute little family. Guapo and I played horse swimming style, he won but I got in some good laps in and I got to play with monkey. We played mermaid {Don’t tell Guapo, but he played as well and little Monkey loved it!} Monkey fitting named herself Silly Monkey the mermaid. I love her imagination, she is always so creative.
So next week I have a plan I am going to load my MP3 player with some talks from, and just get back in the habit. I am super excited to get where I need to be and even more excited that I will look great in no time!